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2023 IRD

Your hub for IRD's Global Event Network

Hezron Performing & Livestreaming at Sky Beach in Hanover

Hezron Performing & Livestreaming at Sky Beach in Hanover

Celebrating Internatinal Reggae Day Hezron will be performing and live streaming from Sky Beach

Reggae and Friends Flyer

Reggae and Friends Flyer

WhatsApp Image 2023-06-29 at 11.12.55 AM

WhatsApp Image 2023-06-29 at 11.12.55 AM

Reggae PON TOP

Reggae PON TOP

Live Reggae featuring KUMAR

International Reggae Day Meets Windrush 75

International Reggae Day Meets Windrush 75

We will be running a Bob Marley & the Great Tribute by Tann- Browne we will have singing, poetry, elders speaking about their windrush experinces and some African Drumming.

International Reggae Day Seattle Peace Concert

International Reggae Day Seattle Peace Concert

Reggae Music Showcases Stage Show featuring 6 local performers, a few crafts/food vendor, community park outdoor location free admission

One Love Reggae Reunion

One Love Reggae Reunion

The third edition of the Italian Reggae gathering with only Italian artists lasting 4 days with 4 Yard (Live Dancehall Dub daylight) 16 hours of music a day, 24 singers, 32 Sound System and Free camping

International Reggae Day hosted by The Conquerors Reggae Band

International Reggae Day hosted by The Conquerors Reggae Band

Performing regularly at Cape Town Reggae festivals such as the Annual Paarl Rasta Cultural Festival, Monwabisi Reggae Legends Sunsplash and Cape Town Reggae Sunsplash. The Conquerors has become a household name in the CPT reggae fraternity.

Do Ska ao Ragga

Do Ska ao Ragga

In honor of International Reggae Day, the Ska Orchestra, Skanibais, together with DJs from the Ministereo Público Sound System, celebrate Jamaican culture in a show on July 1st (Saturday), at 9 pm, at The Green House, in Red River. A special show in celebration of International Reggae Day that will feature guests: Pali, Riane Mascarenhas, Dent Dub and other heavyweight attractions, who together will brighten the reggae night in Salvador. In DJing, DJ Leandro Vitrola will open the track.

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